Fear the force factor at the ABC?
Nothing underscores the reactionary nature of ABC medicine than the way many of its lead jounos treat scientific process and are caught up in negativity and the desire to escape from it. The afternoon presenter on 774 wants to know whether the streets of Melbourne are " any worse" than before . Ecomia study tells you that biologically if you don't nip the problem in the bud - there is "no positive angle"
The witnesses tell her so, but she insists on researching the problem.This is where the sus science comes in - good label bad practice.
Dear ABC-- such "research" will tell you nothing but that the horse has bolted .Maybe your cureent affirs will go the way of the commercials - it is already a partial clone .
I have had a career in risk management and know as a scientist that once you leave university you need to apply yourself to prevention based on professional prediction skills that take lifetimes to develop .No use butting in with research if you don't use others first .
While some sectors of the ABC ignore the need for practical scientists to take up the talking Australias cringe factor over science and the passion for practical skill develeopment ( so much potentail ----but no the nurses and the doctors are leaving) will continue to wain.
Unconvinced about the problem , the fearmongers are so far from solutions that even if they convinced themselves of a target they shoot first and ask questions later. A good reason why the ABC is out of its depth and why we don't say anything until they are really doing good science.