Saturday, October 31, 2020

Those who claim to be able to save us ,,October 2020

Many Australians on October 31st 2020 are convinced our Premiers have our best interests at heart . I don't .And later, I suggest the people won't either . Short term gain long term pain. There are brief moments when people trust their political leaders . They are periods often of fantasy , which are often much much much longer than are justified. Premiers Andrews ( VIC ) and Palaszcazuk (QLD) claim the high moral ground of best intention ; Saving us from death and saving us from death from respiratory tract infections and the evil incarnate one named COVID 19
I don't think so, and as a microbiologist and a risk planner I have never thought so. ( see other issues which suggest caution in adopting the politics of the moment ) Microbes like all life , do not act alone and its technological fix blindness to assume If we are to go back to living in the real world, realistic risk management will involve recognizing the misplaced concreteness processes , the overblown ambitions of wannabes and the evil things they will do to stay in control. To project all hell on a version of Coronavirus is to fall for an old projection trick . "Its not my or our problem - its someone or someone's else's problem . " If the evil object is not the problem , what is the real reason for the fear ? later My Story ---
As a good citizen and a public servant advising on risk management and under the authority of a CMO many times before ( on Fire for example) , I follow the regulations and largely only voice my concerns to the advice taking decisionmakers in the chain of command . This is supposed to be how it is done by all in the chain of command to the one chief ( we now have 6) I have told the CMOS's each month this year where and why their changing shallow word play on risk management is wrong, unaccountable and unconvincing .
The mood on November 1 2020 . World wide Westerners are in a deep panic ( one that started well B4 the pandemic) because little hope is on the horizon to drag us away from the diseases which deeply threaten us. I am not taking about things that are we really talk about properly . ( see a lit at the bottom on the page of real and perceived threats and a bit about why a technology for solution is NOT applied to them. ) The very use of the accusation "deniers " at such times in history shows we see that possibility and that truth - if only in those opposing our ' answer "to , our "disease control method " it on the other side More coming (Incomplete summaries only below)
Current Victorian examples of overblown simple fears leading to simply ineffective and wasteful answers to fears
Fear and poor understanding Poor understanding ( some truth ) leads to Inappropriate ineffective solutions 1. We are going to run out of energy we need to stop using fossil fuels NOW
2. Nuclear power is dangerous only use renewable's or safe stuff that doesn't explode 3. The forests will burn more fiercely we mustn't stop people living in a fireplace-- its their choice 4. We must not touch now sacred objects Buy a fleet of water bombers ( Comm enquiry Oct 2020) ) 5. I don't really know what I am doing I will apply the "abundance of caution" approach ..... and do nothing You will find some clues to the technological fix games of the unrepentant and incompetent's in misplaced concreteness .Abuse of The Precautionary principle is Brett Sutton latest shallow excuse for defending the shallow logic of his bubble groups. see quick fix word abuse on other sites ,


  • Its not what u know but what you don't
  • It could happen
  • The greatest evil
  • Shutup and listen and you won't make the same mistake
  • Fear Not
  • Digging deeper
  • The darkside
  • Real progress