Sunday, November 10, 2019

What word will the media use when they have used up catastrophe ?

The dummies in charge haven't noticed . Too much "crisis"  ,too much "worst "Anything but objective .
The media  report anyone who is an panic and that's a lots of people (and its makes the media relevant)
Tommorrow ( 12th Nov 2019) we are told all hell will break loose . It might
After all there is so little focus on on ground prevention , containment and  control  ( fires floods and landslides) 

The city and observers are not calm . They are now quite confused

We all know' the other"  doesn't listen and we all have a role as observers. we know there are times to shout ,

Rural people throw up regularly when they meet  those irresponsible people who tell us  a problem but have not qualified as problem solvers 

So,  is all this shouting about the environment right ?
Clearly Not .called cry wolf and it kills. What will the media worry about tonight and who has switched OFF ? . If the person Ur trying to help gets angry ( esp on quiet) shut up and hang around .
And one day the rapid growth of emerging crisis services  will be seen as retrograde and totally countercultural - a wound that's infected.  Put the productivity commission onto it ! 
Instead of protective services our leaders grow "fire fighting" services , Its one clear way to end our culture-- cost blow outs  

Our equally confused polys continue to ignore the need for objectivity and RISK .Their advisors in 2019 know little .the good ones left the house years ago. 
My generation will be remembered for worrying about the environment , but not employing people who know it and allowing them to speak .

Whats wrong with the media when they talk to the environment is they simply don't know it .
They like they think they do and the city uses its potential observer status to justify MUCH arrogant and ignorant fear mongering. ..........let alone guilt projection

  • Its not what u know but what you don't
  • It could happen
  • The greatest evil
  • Shutup and listen and you won't make the same mistake
  • Fear Not
  • Digging deeper
  • The darkside
  • Real progress